“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.”
Bill Bryson
A Spring Tour with Friends and Dylan
Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Death Valley - Yosemite Valley - San Francisco - Los Angeles
California - Nevada - USA // May 2015
Venice - Italy // January 2015
Venice - Italy // July 2015
Austria - Hungary - Poland - Sweden - Denmark - Germany - Czech Republic PART 01
Europe // August 2015
It was August and very hot. We didn't plan anything. We just took the car and headed North across Europe. It has been like connecting the dots: we attached a visual memory to places in Europe that often live just on the map. It was fun, relax, heritage, landscape, many different languages. Europe is a small and dense piece of land.
Agosto e un caldo torrido. Programmi non ne avevamo fatti. Abbiamo preso la macchina e siamo andati verso Nord attraverso pezzi d'Europa. Un po' come tracciare una linea che connette puntini: posti che diversamente rappresentano solo un segno sulla mappa si accendono e lasciano ricordi diversi e potenti. Relax, sorrisi, cultura, paesaggio, lingue diverse. Per essere un fazzoletto di terra l'Europa è densa di storie da raccontare.
Copenhagen - Denmark // December 2015
Under Attack
Paris - France // November 2015